Officers of Parliament: Speaker and Deputy Speaker


Each house of the parliament has its own presiding officers : Chairperson and deputy chairperson in Rajya Sabha and Speaker and deputy speaker in lok sabha. And rajya sabha appoints a panel of vice chairman and lok sabha appoints a panel of chairman.

The Speaker is the Lok Sabha is the constitutional and ceremonial head of the parliament. And he also is the primary spokesperson of the House 

Even after the house dissolved but speaker can not leave his office untill the appointment of the new speaker.

Do you know that the First Speaker of the lok sabha was G.V. Mavalankar and First Deputy Speaker of the Lok sabha was Ananthasayanam Ayyangar.



The speaker of the parliament are the elected member of lok sabha. And by another election he/she get selected as speaker.

According to Article 93 of the Constitution, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected by a simple majority, which simply means that the candidate who receives more than half of the votes from the members present in the House will become the Speaker.


The Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha assists the Speaker in conducting the proceedings of the House. They preside over the sessions when the Speaker is absent and ensure smooth functioning of debates and discussions. The Deputy Speaker is elected by members of Lok Sabha and plays a crucial role in maintaining order, upholding parliamentary rules, and representing the House in various capacities.

Date of election of lok sabha is decided by the president.


Article 94 of the Indian Constitution deals with the vacation of seats, resignation and removal of the speaker and deputy speaker of lok sabha.

A member holding office as Speaker or Deputy Speaker of the House of the People—

a) if he ceases to be a member of the House of the People, which means that now he/she is not the member of the house 

b) if he/she can resign from their office by giving their resignation to the deputy speaker. 

And in the case of deputy speaker, he/she will give their resignation to the speaker of the house

c) he/she may be removed from his office by a resolution of the House of the People passed by a simple majority of all the members of the House.

But a speaker of lok sabha will not be removed from his office unless the notice is passed of atleast 14 days, which shows the intention of the resolution of removing of the speaker/deputy speaker.


- he/she presides over the meetings of Lok Sabha.

- maintains order and decorum in the lok sabha while meeting

- Decides who may speak in the matter of conflict and sets rules on procedural matters.

- he/ she ensures that rhe parliamentary rules and procedures are followed in the house

- representative of Lok Sabha in its relations with the President and Rajya Sabha.

- also upholds the rights and privileges of members of Lok Sabha.

- Acts as the guardian of the powers and privileges of the House and its members.

- he/she is the final interpreter in the Lok Sabha, who interprets the provisions of  Constitution of India, Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business of the Lok Sabha, and parliamentary precedents.


  • Speaker of lok sabha obtains his/ power from - Constitution of India, Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business of Lok Sabha, and Parliamentary Conventions.
  • Speaker of the lok sabha has power to declare any bill as money bill.
  • He/she is allowed to conduct a 'secret meeting' in the house on the request of the leader of the house 
  • He/she also have authority to preside over the joint meeting of both Houses, which means he/she will be the head in joint meeting.
  • He/she does not have authority to vote in the first instance but, can exercise a casting vote in the case of a tie.
  • He/she can adjourn the meeting when the quorum is absent. Quorum is the minimum strength of the house to conduct any meeting, which is 1/10 th
  • He/she can appoint chairman for all parliamentary committees and also have authority to supervise them.
  • He/she can disqualify any member of the house, on the ground of defection. Means, if any member is disturbing the proceedings of the house or disturbs the decorum of the house, in this condition speaker have authority to disqualify them.




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