Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11 attack? FBI's declassified video shows.

Washington, D.C. – The Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI has declassified a 25-year-old video that has now shocked the entire world in the video man named Omar al-Bayoumi identified by the FBI as a Saudi intelligence agent was seen filming the central locations of Washington DC months before Al-Qaida decided to carry out the devastating 9/11 terror attacks.


Video Content and Implications


The declassified video shows Omar al-Bayoumi, discussing different locations in the city. This included the Washington Monument, as well as the entrance and security measures of the US Capitol building.

At one juncture, the video also mentioned a "plan." It was believed that Capitol Hill was the intended target of one of the planes before the hijackers were overpowered by passengers, leading to the plane crashing in the Pennsylvania countryside.


Background of the 9/11 Attacks


On September 11, 2001, the United States of America suffered a major blow when three locations were attacked by terrorists. The terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden at that time, planned to bring the USA to its knees. This plan was almost 70% successful. They planned to attack the USA's economy, military, and leadership simultaneously. The economy was targeted by destroying the World Trade Center's iconic twin towers by hijacking planes and crashing them into the towers. This plan was successful.

The terrorists also planned to attack the Pentagon, the US military headquarters, by hijacking another commercial airliner. Although the plane caused some damage, it did not completely destroy the Pentagon, and not many people died there. The third plan was to crash a plane into the US Parliament, but the passengers on that plane revolted, and the plane crashed in Shanksville. Unfortunately, all the passengers died, but the plan to attack the US Parliament failed.


US Response to 9/11


Even though the entire plan was not successful, Americans were completely shell-shocked. The US government's response to the 9/11 attacks was quite strange. They started targeting Iraq, telling their people that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and needed to be taken down. The American public agreed, and the US military launched a major attack on Iraq. 

In the end, no nuclear weapons were found in Iraq. Simultaneously, the USA attacked Afghanistan, hoping to capture Osama bin Laden, who was behind the 9/11 attacks. Over ten years passed, thousands of American soldiers died, and millions of Afghans were killed, but Osama bin Laden was not found. Eventually, he was found in Pakistan, yet the USA never held Pakistan accountable or imposed sanctions.

Geopolitical Context


Now, there's proof emerging that the Saudi Arabian government might have been involved. This is a fact the world has known for a long time, but the US government, enjoying deep relations with Saudi Arabia, suppressed it. The US never released any proof internationally until now. Since the geopolitical scenario has changed in 2024, in recent months, Saudi Arabia has indicated that they might sell crude oil in currencies other than the dollar. 

Additionally, it is possible that Saudi Arabia might soon join the BRICS group. Saudi officials say they are considering it but haven't decided yet. At such a time, suddenly, the FBI thinks of releasing an old video that has been lying around for over 22 years. The timing is crucial.



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