Defending the Indefensible: The Ethical Dilemma of Lawyers in the Kolkata Rape and Murder Case


The recent Kolkata rape and murder shocked the nation, creating furious debate on the role of defense lawyers in such heinous crimes. One pertinent question rises of whether it is ethical on the part of lawyers to defend the accused in such heinous acts. At the heart of every legal system, the fact is that any person, irrespective of his or her crime, deserves a fair trial. That is the fundamental tenet of justice, provided under the Constitution of India, in as much as it guarantees right to legal representation under Article 22. The defense lawyers are expected to ensure that these accused get a fair trial, protection of their rights, and the integrity of the process of law is maintained. Their job is not to acquit the guilt but to prove that justice has been served through a due, fair process.

In the Kolkata case, the public outcry against the accused is loud, and to many, morally dubious is the role a defense lawyer plays. Yet, it needs to be understood that the duty of a lawyer is to the law and not to the crime. Ethical representation means that the accused is satisfactorily defended, and forms part of the very basis on which the trust of the public in the justice system will be built. Without proper legal defense, the risk of wrongful convictions increases, thus undermining the basic tenets of justice.

It is tough to balance the professional duty with public sentiment. The world gives a beating to the defense attorneys, especially in high-profile cases like this. Their commitment towards a fair defense, despite the will of the people, sets a justified society apart from that of mob justice. It's the thought that keeps the rule of law intact: everyone has a right to a defense, no matter how horrific their deeds may have been. It is absolutely dishonorable that the accused in such heinous crimes-like the rape and murder in Kolkata-get represented. Yet, this is an important part in ensuring that fair justice being meted out gets its due. In this respect, the role of the defense lawyers goes a long way in helping the legal system and democracy maintain their integrity.

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