Suo motu cognizance by the indian judiciary


Suo motu is a Latin phrase that stands for:

"On its own motion"

In other words, suo motu refers to a decision or action taken by a court or authority without being prompted or requested by an external party. It means that the court or authority has taken the initiative to act on its own, without waiting for someone to bring the matter to its attention.

Here's a breakdown of the phrase:

- Suo: means "its own" or "on its own"

- Motu: means "motion" or "initiative"

So, when a court takes suo motu cognizance of a matter, it means that the court has decided to take notice of the issue on its own, without being asked to do so by anyone else.


The concept of suo motu cognizance has its root in Roman law and was later adopted by various legal system, including common law and civil law jurisdictions. It's primary purpose is to enable courts to address situations where justice is not being served, despite the absence of a formal complaint or petition.

In India, the concept of suo motu cognizance was formally introduced through the constitution of India, specifically under Article 32 and 142,which empowers the supreme court to take cognizance of matters related to fundamental rights.


1.Proactive Approach :Such motu cognizance allows court to take a proactive approach in addressing injustices, rather than waiting for someone to bring the matter to their attention. 

2.No Formal Complaint Required: The court can initiate proceedings without a formal complaint or petition from an external party. 

3.Wide discretion :Court's have wide discretion to take suo motu cognizance of any matter, as long as it falls within their jurisdiction.

The cases illustrating Suo motu cognizance

1.In Re: Distribution of Essential Supplies and Services During Pandemic [Covid 19]:- The court took suo motu cognizance of the issue of distribution of essential supplies and services during the pandemic.

2.Re: Death of Children in Mid Day Meal Scheme [2013]:-

The Supreme Court of India took suo motu cognizance of the 2013 mid-day meal scheme tragedy, where 23 children died in Bihar after eating contaminated food. The Court:

- Issued notices to central and state governments

- Directed improvements in food quality, safety protocols, and infrastructure

- Ordered regular inspections and monitoring

The Court's intervention led to significant reforms in the mid-day meal scheme, prioritizing children's health and safety.

3. Laxmi vs. Union of India [2014] :-  Acid Attacks -The court took suo motu cognizance of acid attacks, directing the government to regulate acid sales.

Examples and Applications:-

1. Human Rights Violations: Courts may take suo motu cognizance of human rights violations, such as police brutality or custodial torture.

2. Environmental Issues: Courts may initiate proceedings to address environmental concerns, like pollution or deforestation.

3. Corruption: Suo motu cognizance can be used to investigate and address corruption cases, even if no one has formally complained.


1.Access to Justice : suo motu cognizance ensures that justice is accessible to all, particularly vulnerable sections of society.

2.Deterrent Effect : It serves as a deterrent to those who might otherwise engage in illegal activities .

3.Upholding the Rules of Law : suo motu cognizance helps maintains the rule of law and reinforces the court's role as a guardian of justice


Suo motu cognizance is a vital tool in the pursuit of justice, enabling courts to take proactive measures in addressing various issues. Its significance lies in its ability to ensure access to justice, uphold the rule of law, and provide a deterrent effect against wrongdoing. As the legal landscape continues to evolve, the importance of suo motu cognizance will only continue to grow.

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