Paying the Price: Understanding the concept of Punishment

you are watching news channel and you heard the word 'Punishment' and immediately you thought about only two to three  words that is life imprisonment, Death penalty or capital punishment, or fine but do you know we have other types of punishment. In this blog we understand the concept of punishment through questions 
♧ Is punishment important ?
♧ How many types of punishment is there?
♧ Can a sentence be reduced?
 Let's discuss this questions one by one 
Is punishment important?
Yes, it is crucial part of Criminal Justice System and it sets example in the society because of its deterrence nature and helps in maintaining the social order. It helps the victim to achieve Justice and whoever commits a deed, shall face its consequences.

How many types of punishment is there?

There are six types of punishment mentioned in Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita(BNS).

Death penalty, also know as capital punishment, is the highest penalty which is awarded to the accused. It is awarded in cases like Murder, Rape, treason etc. 

Imprisonment for life the  accused spends their life in prison until his natural death.

Imprisonment, Accused have to spend certain period of their life in prison and in this period accused have to do some work depending upon the sentence, which is of two descriptions, namely:-
      •Rigorous, that is, with hard labour such as  breaking rocks or stones, Digging or construction work, agricultural labor etc.
     •Simple, prisoners are not required to  perform physical work. The focus is on confinement and rehabilitation.

Forfeiture of property, in this Government seizes the accused's property.

Fine, monetary penalty is imposed on the individual, mainly for less serious crimes.

Community Service, in this accused do unpaid work in the community as a form of penalty. It's includes physical work, service work, environment projects or education and training programs.

Can a sentence be reduced?

Yes, a sentence can be reduced through the following ways
Appeal:- A defendant can Appeal to the higher court.
Illustration:- The accused, A, believes the punishment is excessive and may appeal to a higher court following the lower court's decision to impose a 10-year prison sentence.

Parole:- release of accused before completion of the sentence under the supervision of a Parole officer. There are some condition to fulfil to get the Parole:-
  •Accused have to complete half or two third of their sentence.
  •Demonstrated good behavior 
  •They participated in rehabilitation programs 
  •They shown remorse for their crime and parole board believes that they are unlikely to reoffend.
Commutation:- reduction or change  in the sentence to lesser one. It can be granted in the following situations; excessive sentence, age, good behavior, changes in law, sentence reduction programs etc.

Pardon:- forgiving the crime or eliminating the sentence. President and governor have the power of pardon. It can be granted on the same basis as Commutation and parole 

Additionally, sentences can be reduced on special occasions like August 15th or Republic Day, based on good behavior, age, or through various sentence reduction programs run by the government.


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