The Un-Gentleman’s Guide: Why Outdated Masculinity Fuels Violence Against Women


It’s clear that modern society is quite perplexing for many men who struggle with balancing outdated ideals with the need to curb violence against women. So, for the modern man who finds himself caught between traditional notions of dominance and the call for equality, here’s a ‘toxic’ guide to help him navigate this bewildering situation and protect his fragile masculanity:

Master the Art of Misogyny with a Smile

Forget all that talk about respect and equality. Instead, focus on perfecting the subtle art of dominating women while maintaining that charming, benevolent smile. After all, who needs progress when you can uphold ancient practices with grace?

Redefine ‘Protection’ as ‘Control’

When you hear calls to protect women, remember that historically, this has meant controlling their every move. Why bother with modern safety measures when you can keep the old-school approach alive? Make sure every decision and action is justified by the notion that you’re just being a “protective” gentleman.

Use the “It’s Tradition” Card

LiberallyInvoke tradition whenever necessary. Why let contemporary issues like gender equality get in the way of age-old customs? Whether it’s limiting women’s freedom or reinforcing old stereotypes, tradition is your get-out-of-jail-free card.

Practice the Illusion of Support

Be sure to publicly support women’s rights while privately continuing to perpetuate the same harmful behaviors. It’s all about maintaining that perfect balance between appearing progressive and acting regressive.

Ignore Those Annoying Facts About Consent and Respect

Who needs to bother with consent when you’ve been taught for ages that dominance is key? Continue to brush aside modern concepts of respect and equality as mere fads while sticking to your tried-and-true methods of control.Afterall modern concepts are there to ease out a man’s dilemna not of a woman..Right ?

Criticize Feminism as Overreaction 

When confronted with demands for genuine change, dismiss them as overreactions. After all, why would anyone take seriously the call for ending violence against women when the real issue is how comfortable you are with your outdated beliefs?

Ensure Your Ego Remains Untouched

Keep your ego intact by deflecting blame and never admitting that your actions contribute to a broader problem. After all, it’s not about changing your behavior; it’s about maintaining your personal comfort and superiority.


 While this guide might seem to celebrate outdated notions of masculinity, it’s important to acknowledge that not all men fit this mold, unfortunate to the society. There are indeed men who have transcended these traditional views and work towards true equality with genuine respect and understanding. These men are rare but vital in creating a safer society for women. When pointing out such issues to those deeply entrenched in misogyny, their reaction might be defensive or dismissive. However, a true man understands that achieving empathy and kindness often requires overcoming the deep-seated biases of a patriarchal society. It takes resilience and bravery to transform from a traditional view of masculinity to one that embraces genuine equality and respect. The ultimate goal is a world where safeguarding norms and concepts like equality become unnecessary because respect and fairness are inherently embedded in our interactions. Only then will the need for such safeguards diminish, leading to a society where gender equality is simply the norm.

And to the men who have step toward a change , you will be subjected to the tag of not being masculine enough but always remember that...

 "A real man is defined by his respect for others, not his ability to dominate them. The difference between true strength and petty cruelty is how one treats those who can offer nothing in return."

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