There is no need for Passport or Visa: a boon for Seaman

 There is no need for Passport or Visa : a boon for Seaman

There is a document that functions as a Passport and can also bypass Visa requirements. It is the 'Seaman Book' which is explicitly issued to the employees working in Merchant Navy, Cruise line workers and fisherman working in fishing vessels.

What is Seaman Book?

It works as a official documents for certain professionals working at Sea, enabling them to travel through both airport and seaport.

Just as a passport is important for travellers Seaman Book is equally important for the professionals working at Sea. 

But this is not issued to everyone,this is issued to only professionals working in Merchant Navy ,Cruise line workers and fishermen working in fishing vessels.

The Seaman Book contains following details:-

1. Name of employee 
2. Date of birth
3. Nationality
4. Educational qualifications 
5. Job title
6. Name of the Ship
7. Duration of their journey

When is Seaman Book accepted as a substitute of Passport?

Every traveller must present Passport and Visa if they are travelling to any foreign country be it for educational purpose, job or medical reasons.

However for the professional in the Merchant Navy, Cruise line workers and fisherman at the fishing vessels may provide Seaman book which will be accepted as a passport when they are travelling to join their duties.

Seaman Book is recognised at the airports but the traveller also have to show Continuous discharge certificate (CDS) which is also known as Seafare Identity Document, during the immigration check.

There is also a need for Visa?

The seaman book along with a continuous discharge certificate work as a Transit Visa. 
The Seeman book would also be used as a Transit Visa when passing through different countries for the work.


But all these benefits of Seaman book and Continuous discharge certificate will only be provided if the personnel is going to join the duty at the Sea.

If the travelling is done for personal purposes and not work-related ,then the person needs standard Passport and Visa ,then they'll not get the benefit of working in Merchant Navy, Cruise line workers ,fisherman at fishing vessels or working at Sea. 

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