Understanding Organized crime: A new concept in india's Criminal system.

In 2024 government enforce three new laws repealing old ones. one of them is BNS which stands for Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita under which a new provision is introduced that is organized crime. Now questions arises, 

what it is?
why we do need it?
What is the purpose of it?
Is organized crimes have types?
Let's deal with this questions one by one 

what it is?

It's a new provision added in BNS, 2024. We can easily understand its meaning by looking at the word I.e organized crime, organized meaning which is done in structured manner and we all aware of the term crime which means anything law abstain you from doing it so we can conclude that ' a continuing Criminal Activity carried out by a group of people acting in concert".

why do we need it?
High national security, good economy, and citizens well being is crucial for country's growth and organized crime is affecting all this factor ,to tackle this barriers. We need some laws or provisions in our legal system as it is included in Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita because 
Organized crime carried out by a large number of individuals who includes in serious illegal activities which not only affect the individual but as well as the country at large. It includes vulnerable individuals, such as poor children and women. Women and Children are more prone to this illegal activities. It also impact economy for example, money laundering, it illegally illicit funds into the financial system corrupt it and potentially destabilizes economy of the country and threat to national security as it is a profit oriented Activity so individuals are ready to do what other wants and this give rise to lot of terrorism financing.

What is the purpose of it?
The ultimate purpose of organized crime is to generate profit out of illegal activities but it also include power and control because some how it become important part of it. It become easier to perform Illegal activities. They want expansion and diversification of their work the more people they have the profit is also directly propotioal to it. 

Does organized crimes have types?
Yes, organized crime have types. 

Human trafficking:- its a form of modern day salvery where some people use vulnerable individuals for various works such as sex trafficking (used them for prostitution, pornography, and sex tourism), labour trafficking(forced labour including agriculture, constructions work, sweatshops), organ trafficking(forceful removal of organ )

Money laundering:-  it is process to generate profit from illegal activities and   try to make them appear legitimate. It increase corruption and instability in the economy.

Kidnapping:-  The act of taking away a person against their will for prostitution,    labour, ransom demands, terrorism, labour etc.

Extortion :- an act of obtaining something especially money through coercion, threats or intimidation.

Contract killing:- Hiring someone to kill other person and in consideration the person will give the decided amount to the person who will done this act. Usually used by  mafia, gang or terrorists.

Vehicle theft:- steal Vehicles for selling, using them for illegal activities.

Cyber crimes:- it's committed with the help of technologies by hacking sites to steal data, blackmailing, steal identities etc

Economic offences:-  it includes money laundering, fraud, tax evasion, embezzlement etc.

Drug trafficking :- it involves production, transportation, distribution of illegal substance, weeds, Marijuana, cocaine, heroine etc.

Land grabbing :- illegal and coercive acquisition of Land by organized Criminal groups. 
For illegal logging and mining, real estate development schemes involving corruption, forced eviction of farmers for large scale agricultural projects.

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